Category Archives: Life
QCrypt 2018 in Shanghai, China – August 2018
Attending the QCrypt 2018 Conference on Quantum Cryptography in China (http://2018.qcrypt.net/). A lot of interesting presentations; visit to the University of Science and Technology of China and quantum laboratories.
We won the best paper award at MCSS2017!
Our work “QSIP: A Quantum Key Distribution Signaling Protocol” won the “Best Paper Award” at the Multimedia Communications, Services & Security (MCSS’17) conference 2017 in Krakow, Poland (http://mcss2017.kt.agh.edu.pl/). Title: QSIP: A Quantum Key Distribution Signaling Protocol Authors: Miralem Mehic Department of Telecommunications, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic Almir Maric Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Miroslav Voznak Department of Telecommunications, VSB-Technical […]
XX1. Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2017