Bosnia and Herzegovina

Moving VirtualServers from host to host

Common problem with moving vhost from one host to another is that you don’t have network connection that you have had on previous host. It might be problem with MAC addresses like I had with my VirtualBox.

Solution is to rewrite MAC addresses from ifconfig from your vhost to VirtualBox settings, so please:

  • type ifconfig in vhost
  • copy your mac address
  • close your vhost machine
  • open virtualbox and in network settings paste copied address
  • start vhost and everything should be fine.

Don’t forget to change interfaces in settings of network processes like snort and etc..

It is funny how this small “bugs” take you too much time, so I decided that I will write about each of them in order to help others and  remember my self  if I ever recognize similar “bug”. Happy vhosting 🙂